Source code for montague.ini

from __future__ import absolute_import

from six.moves.configparser import SafeConfigParser, InterpolationError
from characteristic import attributes
from .structs import LoadableConfig
from .logging import convert_loggers, convert_handlers, convert_formatters, combine
import six
import os.path

    'application': 'application',
    'app': 'application',
    'composite': 'composite',
    'composit': 'composite',
    'server': 'server',
    'filter': 'filter',
    'filter-app': 'filter-app',
    'pipeline': 'pipeline'

LOGGING_SECTIONS = ('loggers', 'handlers', 'formatters')
MSF_KEYS = ('globals', 'application', 'composite', 'filter', 'server', 'logging')

@attributes(['path'], apply_with_init=False, apply_immutable=True)
[docs]class IniConfigLoader(object): """This config loader transforms a traditional INI file into a Montague Standard Format dictionary. It is compatible with most but not all PasteDeploy files.""" def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self._data = self._read() self._config = self._process() def _read(self): # We need to keep the parser around so the logging conversion can use it. path_defaults = { 'here': os.path.dirname(self.path), '__file__': self.path, } self._parser = SafeConfigParser() self._globals = self._parser.defaults() data = {} for section in self._parser.sections(): section_data = data.setdefault(section, {}) for option in self._parser.options(section): if option in self._globals: continue try: section_data[option] = self._parser.get(section, option, vars=path_defaults) except InterpolationError: section_data[option] = self._parser.get(section, option, raw=True) return data def _process(self): orig = self._data config = {} for key in six.iterkeys(orig): if ':' in key: scheme, name = key.split(':', 1) kind_config = config.setdefault(SCHEMEMAP[scheme], {}) kind_config[name] = orig[key] else: config[key] = orig[key] config['globals'] = { 'here': os.path.dirname(self.path), '__file__': self.path, } for key, value in six.iteritems(self._globals): config['globals'][key] = value apps = config.setdefault('application', {}) filters = config.setdefault('filter', {}) generated_filter_count = 0 filter_apps = config.pop('filter-app', {}) for name, filter_app in six.iteritems(filter_apps): use = filter_app.pop('next') generated_filter_count += 1 filter_name = '_montague_filter_{0}'.format(generated_filter_count) apps[name] = {'use': use, 'filter-with': filter_name} filters[filter_name] = filter_app pipelines = config.pop('pipeline', {}) for name, pipeline in six.iteritems(pipelines): items = pipeline['pipeline'].split() pipeline_app = items[-1] pipeline_filters = items[:-1] pipeline_filters.reverse() apps[name] = {'use': pipeline_app} last_item = apps[name] for count, use_filter in enumerate(pipeline_filters, start=1): filter_name = '_montague_pipeline_{0}_filter_{1}'.format(name, count) filters[filter_name] = {'use': use_filter} last_item['filter-with'] = filter_name last_item = filters[filter_name] if all([self._parser.has_section(section_name) for section_name in LOGGING_SECTIONS]): loggers = convert_loggers(self._parser) handlers = convert_handlers(self._parser) formatters = convert_formatters(self._parser) config['logging'] = {'main': combine(loggers, handlers, formatters)} for key in MSF_KEYS: config.setdefault(key, {}) return config
[docs] def config(self): return self._config
[docs] def app_config(self, name): # This method isn't actually necessary, since montague can extract # the config information from the MSF dict returned by .config() # but it's a nice example of how to do it. if name in self._config['application']: constructor = local_config = self._config['application'][name] elif name in self._config['composite']: constructor = LoadableConfig.composite local_config = self._config['composite'][name] else: raise KeyError return constructor( name=name, config=local_config, global_config=self._config['globals'])
[docs] def server_config(self, name): if name in self._config['server']: constructor = LoadableConfig.server local_config = self._config['server'][name] else: raise KeyError return constructor( name=name, config=local_config, global_config=self._config['globals'])
[docs] def filter_config(self, name): if name in self._config['filter']: constructor = LoadableConfig.filter local_config = self._config['filter'][name] else: raise KeyError return constructor( name=name, config=local_config, global_config=self._config['globals'])
[docs] def logging_config(self, name): # This is provided by .config(), so no need to implement it here. raise NotImplementedError