Source code for montague.interfaces

from __future__ import absolute_import

from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute

[docs]class IConfigLoader(Interface): """A config loader for a given config format. You do not have to implement app_config/server_config/filter_config. They must still be present, but can simply return NotImplementedError. In that case, Montague will extract the config from the config().""" path = Attribute("""Location of config data. Usually will be a filesystem path, but may be a URL, redis connection string, etc.""") def logging_config(name): """Provides a dict suitable for passing to logging.config.dictConfig. It's possible a config loader may only support a single logging config, which would be available under DEFAULT.""" def config(): """Returns the entire config as a dict in Montague standard format. Montague standard format has the following keys (all optional): global, application, composite, filter, server. Other than global, these keys should then contain name, config value pairs. Use DEFAULT for the default app/filter/server.""" def app_config(name): """Return the config for the specified app. If name is montague.structs.DEFAULT, use the default name for the config format (such as 'main').""" def server_config(name): """Return the config for the specified server. If name is montague.structs.DEFAULT, use the default name for the config format (such as 'main').""" def filter_config(name): """Return the config for the specified filter. If name is montague.structs.DEFAULT, use the default name for the config format (such as 'main')."""
class IConfigLoaderFactory(Interface): """Creates ConfigLoaders""" def __call__(path, defaults): """Creates a ConfigLoader targeting the specified path."""